«Η Εκκλησια της Κρητης στην Επανασταση του 1897-1898,
Απο την εθναρχικη στην εθνικη συνειδηση»
Αρχιμ. Ανδρεα Νανακη
Αναπλ. Καθηγητής Θεολογικής Σχολής Θεσσαλονίκης
Εκδοσεις Π.Πουρναρά - 1998
Πρωτη Δημοσιευση των αρθρων
Ι. Από την εθναρχική στην εθνική συνείδηση. Από τη Χάλκη στη Κρήτη και τη Μακεδονία. Δημοσιεύτηκε στην Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα της Θεολογικής Σχολής, τ.7, Θεσσαλονίκη 1997, σ. 195-205.
ΙΙ. Ο Κυδωνίας Νικηφόρος στην επανάσταση του 1897-1898 και η ανέκδοτη αλληλογραφία του. Κατατέθηκε στον Τιμητικό Τόμο για τα είκοσι πέντε έτη (1974-1999) αρχιεροσύνης του Σεβασμιωτάτου Μητροπολίτου Νεαπόλεως και Σταυρουπόλεως κ.κ. Διονυσίου.
ΙΙΙ. Η Εκκλησία της Κρήτης στην επανάσταση του 1897. Τέσσερις επιστολές του Πέτρας Τίτου. Κατατέθηκε στα Πρακτικά του επιστημονικού συμποσίου «Αρχάνες 1897», Ηράκλειο 1997.
ΙV. Η επανάσταση του 1897, το μητροπολιτικό ζήτημα και η Εκκλησία της Κρήτης. Κατατέθηκε στα Πρακτικά της επιστημονικής συνάντησης (Εταιρία Κρητικών Ιστορικών Μελετών) με θέμα «Η τελευταία φάση του Κρητικού ζητήματος», Ηράκλειο 1998.
Archimandrite Andreas NanakiS
The Church of Crete in the Revolution of 1897/1898.
From the ethnarhic to the national consciousness.
I. From the ethnarhic to the national consciousness: From Chalki to Crete and to Macedonia. In this article I study the acceptance of the national idea of neohellenic patriotism by the important clergymen who graduated from the Chalki Theological School, as well as their struggle from the extension of the Greek national state of the provinces where they exercised their spiritual functions.
II. Nicephorus, Bishop of Cydonia, in the Revolution of 1897-1898. His hitherto unpublished correspondence.
Nicephorus Zachariades, Bishop of Cydonia and Apocorono, corresponded regularly with the Cretan chief Michalis Yannaris (Chadji Michalis Yannaris) as well as with other principal actors of the revolt. Here is published the main part of this correspondence between the Bishop and the chief; I also comment on the Bishop’s initiatives, on his actions and on the directions that he tried to give to the revolt of 1897-1898.
III. The Church of Crete in the Revolution of 1897-1898. Four letters by Titus, Bishop of Petra. Bishops, heads of monasteries as well as simple priests not only participated in the preparations for the revolt but they were also distinguished in the battlefield, according to the testimony of unpublished archival sources and of published documents, such as the Journal of the Select Cretan Battalion by Elias Voutierides. The four missives by Titus Zographides, Bishop of Petra, which I published here, show equally the patriotic sentiments and the national well-consciousness of the new Bishop.
IV. The Revolution of 1897-1898, the Metropolitan Question and the Church of Crete. During the Revolution of 1897-1898 Timotheus Castrinoyannakis, Metropolitan of Creta, died, and Eumenius Xeroudakis was chosen by the Ecumenic Patriarchate as his successor. The latter however was not recognized by the revolutionary forces. The Metropolitan Question that appeared in this way, was resolved only in 1900- with the general recognition of Eumenius (the reader may also consult, on this issue, my monograph The Metropolitan Question (1897-1898) and the Ecclesiastical Organization of Crete, whose summary is the article published here). This article is also supplement by hitherto unpublished material.
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